Sunday @ 11:00 – 12:00pm (1st Grade – 6th Grade)

Sunday Bible Study
Sunday @ 9:45am (including nursery, toddlers, and ages 6-10)
The teachers present Bible lessons with coordinate crafts each week. All teachers have background checks. There is a sign up process and forms are completed to note child’s age, allergies, etc. The children are only released to their parent or designated person at the end of the service.
Breaker Rock Beach – July 15-17, 2024
6:30pm to 8:30pm. Make plans to attend! We have classes available from 3 year old to adults. Music, Bible lessons, crafts, recreation and refreshments! And Snow Cones!
Register here:
Safety: A fully staffed nursery serves our children 5 years and younger during both Bible Study Class and Worship Service. Your child has a quick and easy sign-in process, with an information sheet for each new child, listing appropriate information for your child while your child is in our care. Your child may only be picked up by the person bringing the child (or a person designated by the parent to allow someone else to pick the child up at the end of the session.) All teachers and caregivers undergo a thorough background check before they are allowed to serve with children and students. We also have rotating adult security team members to watch the facilities during the classes and service.
Teens may worship with their family. They may serve in various ministries of the church such as Audio/Visual technicians, praise team, greeters, and attend appropriate Bible Study classes.