Your First Visit
“Come As You Are, Leave As You Want to Be.”
We welcome you to visit with us! Whether you are new to our community or haven’t visited us in a while or maybe just passing through, we hope you’ll come and worship with us. We love to have visitors and we are known as a “very friendly church”. Often we ask members why they united with our church, and the most common answer is that we are “welcoming.” Walk through the church doors and see how many people smile and say hello.
“Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endures forever.”

Service Information
Bible Study (All Ages) 9:45 AM
Worship Service 11:00 AM |
Location 8850 Damascus Road, Damascus, MD (Route 108)
(The single Church Entrance is located near the parsonage at 8830 on the property. There is a sign indicating the entrance.) |
On Sunday morning, you will experience a worship service with both contemporary and traditional elements. We offer praise songs and hymns of worship led by a praise team, Biblical preaching and a warm welcome. We have a one hour service.
You will encounter different types of people at FBCD. All are welcome. We have teachers, moms and dads, photographers, landscapers, students, nurses, farmers, carpenters, salesmen, secretaries, administrators, retirees, all walks of life.
What should I wear?We don’t have a dress code, so wear what is comfortable for you. Folks come dressed in a variety of ways, from coat and tie to business casual or just plain casual. Everyone wears a smile.
How often is Communion?We have a Communion Service open to all believers the first Sunday of every month!
Do I have to give an offering?No, not unless God has so impressed you. We believe that the church is supported by the tithes and offerings of its members and visitors. |
What about my children?
We also have rotating adult security team members to watch the facilities during the classes and service.
NURSERY – 5 YEARS A fully staffed nursery serves our children 4 years and younger during both Bible Study Class and Worship Service. |
1st Grade – 6th Grade Sunday – 11:00 – 12:00; Bible teaching, fun activities and music. |
TEENS Teens may worship with their family. They may serve in various ministries of the church such as Audio/Visual technicians, praise team, greeters, and attend appropriate Bible Study classes. |
How do I get connected?
First, begin by accepting our welcome packet and complete the card in the packet to introduce yourself and place the card in the offering plate. Someone will contact you by mail. If you would like to receive our weekly message, include your email address.
You will hear about a lot of opportunities to connect from the pulpit on Sunday morning, as well as in the Sunday Bulletin. Be sure to say hello to Pastor Moore in the foyer after the service.
If you have further questions, ask an usher or greeter. If you decide you want to know more about the church and possibly unite with our fellowship, talk with the Pastor about the membership class we offer.
We need each other in the church. We are the Body of Christ. The encouragement of others in the church helps give us the courage to step out in faith. We invite you to run the race with us.