• Pastor Danny Moore

    “And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding” (Jeremiah 3:15).

  • Cindy Moore
    First Lady & Secretary

    "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value." (Proverbs 31:10-11)

  • Tracy Diaz
    Church Administrator

    Tracy oversees all business transactions of the church, leads in the development of the annual church budget,  and reviews all contracts entered into by the church.

  • Robin Lechlider

    Robin serves as the church treasurer.  She makes the financial payments for the church such as payroll, routine bills, larger bills as directed by the church council.  She provides the Church Council a report of the financial status of the church each month, and to the Church annually.

  • Renee’ McCullough
    Church Clerk

    Renee’ serves as the Church Clerk.  She records and maintains minutes of all business meetings of the church including the Church Council meetings. She creates the bulletin each Sunday.  She is also very active in the mission projects of the church.

  • Donna Schwab
    Organize Activities

    Donna organizes fun, meaningful activities at our church such as “Movie Nights”, Kite flying contests, Bonfires, Ice Cream Social & Game Night, Holiday Dinners, Scrapbooking, and so much more.  She brings a Christlike joy to every fellowship event.

  • Doug Schwab

     Doug is responsible for the facility in its entirety.  He does an excellent job of making lists of projects which he leads in having the projects carried out on our church workday.  Doug also does much of the maintenance work himself, such as repair work and painting.

  • John Raymond
    Compassion Ministry

    John is responsible for overseeing the compassion needs of our church. 

  • Jessica Hudgins
    Media Administrator

    Jessica oversees all social media, video, live streaming, designs media slides for Sunday school, Worship Music and weekly Sermons. She updates our electric sign weekly and has access to make updates to the Website.  She is a also member of the Church Council and provides a media report monthly.

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